Women Women Empowerment

A Small Step…

by Tanu Sharmaa

From 25th Dec to New Year the world seems to be in the mood of celebrations and it was 23rd Dec when I got to know that on 25th some under privileged kids are going to get their wishes fulfilled by Santa. Total sixty school kids from a municipality school of Grant Road, Mumbai were the lucky ones to be chosen for Christmas celebration. Enough curious to know who is Santa, who are these kids and how Santa is going to fulfill their wishes, finally all came to an end on the Big Day when I met Santa.

Fempowerment on Christmas.

Thankfully still there are people who have a heart, who think about other’s feelings, dreams, their happiness, their existence and I am lucky that I have got a chance to meet such people; yes I met real life Santa and his mother!

I simply get the shock of my life when I got to know that This Santa is not an elderly or mature person but a kid himself, okay slightly grown up (teen). Darsh Parekh as Santa Clause, Darsh himself is not grown up enough but has enough sentiments to understand the pain of needy. It is slightly tough to believe that someone has come all the way from the US (leaving white Christmas) just to celebrate this special day with these beautiful kids, but that was the reality and we were there at a small school celebrating Christmas.

So, this Santa is here for ten days and when asked about why Christmas here and about fulfilling wishes, he humbly replied that not everyone is blessed like me, I can get whatever I want but there are people in the world who have dreams and desires but no one is there to help to fulfill them. This idea stroked me when I first met Santa in New York and he made my day, then I realized how if I could make someone happy, immediately I spoke to my mom and told her that I want to come home and wish to bring happiness at least in few lives.

Darsh’s mum Ashita was overwhelmed when she first heard these words but simultaneously she was on seventh heaven too as she finds her son to be sensitive & empathetic to others which is a rare thing in teenagers nowadays. Without wasting her time, she discovered a small school in Grant Road area, asked them to write down their wishes on a paper and then organized the wish list. From doll to football and from chocolate to a remote car everything was there and Ashita arranged everything. She told me about Darsh, he being a volunteer at VIBHA (ngo) has evolved his way of thinking towards the society that is why he has come all the way from USA to India.

On Christmas it was really over whelming to see such rejoice on those faces, few kids were so amazed that they could not even fathom what is happening around them, with mesmerized expressions they were in awe of Santa. I could read those innocent eyes, I know it had never happened in their life before, suddenly they found themselves in a euphoric fairyland.

Now I believe angels/ Santa do exist. Try to find a Santa around you or try to become a Santa for others, that is all that we believe in. Do not wait for any miracle rather make that happen in someone’s life. Help in anyways. Trust me nothing is beautiful and merrier than a smile on someone’s face.


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